where partners in rhyme bluepooch and siuyo collaborate to bring you bits of happiness and joy to brighten up your life

Tuesday, January 24, 2006
Tonight i considered how one might kill oneself swiftly and painlessly.

i considered jumping into the pool and forcing myself to stay underwater for more than a minute, but that wouldn't work 'cos i can swim and i hate the feeling of water gushing up my nose (it gives me a sore throat).

i considered jumping off the top of my building (from where i stood the roadside scenery looked beautiful in a surreal way) but sunshine plaza is only 12 storeys high, anyone who tried jumping off it would probably just end up in hospital with a thousand casts and spend the rest of his life in utter physical misery.....why would i want that man.

What about the tallest building in Singapore? The Westin Stamford? i remembered attending a v good friend's wedding at the top of the Westin many months back, there is a helipad on top of the roof and when you stand there and look at the world out there, you feel dizzy and ecstatic at the same time.

Would jumping off a building as tall as the Westin guarantee instant, painless death?

i'm dying to find out.


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