where partners in rhyme bluepooch and siuyo collaborate to bring you bits of happiness and joy to brighten up your life

Tuesday, April 13, 2004
Baby Blog: Week 17

i feel excited to have finally passed the first trimester into the second: actually that happened about 3 weeks ago :) now i'm just looking forward to the next ultrasound scan where my doctor can tell me whether i'm going to have a boy or a girl!!

everyone's been telling me that they think i'm going to have a boy first...well actually i was secretly wishing it would be a girl, because (i) girls grow up to be more filial and emotionally close to you when you're in your twilight years; (ii) girls are more fun to dress up and buy toys for..heehee; and (iii) as long as i have at least one girl i'll be happy, so if the first baby turns out to be one then i don't have to worry about the rest! :)

- Names for a boy baby: Gabriel & Gareth

- Names for a girl baby: Naomi & Nikki (alliteration effect here - hey!)


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